How to Install Band Saw Tires – A Definitive Guide

It’s not far-fetching to say that a slight loosening of a bandsaw tire can cost you a limb. Yeah, it’s as scary as it sounds. Most built-in rubber bandsaw wheel tires tend to get loosened over time, and if not kept in check, it may result in a piece of bad news.

That’s why you need to replace the bandsaw tire once in a while, and of course, when you can sense, it’s getting loose. If you don’t know how to install band saw tires, this piece is just for you. In this article, we will try to go through the process of changing a worn-out tire of a bandsaw with a new one.

Let’s get into the details.

Different types of band saw tire

Band saw tires require to be replaced periodically. It is important to realize the type of band saw tires before replacing them. There are 3 different Band Saw Tires available in the market.

  • Urethane Tires
  • Rubber Tires
  • Refurbished Tires

Here’s a quick overview.

When to Replace a Band Saw Tire?

This is a tricky part. Oftentimes, it’s not possible to determine the exact time to replace a bandsaw tire. It won’t be a problem to change a tire that is getting loosened over time to the naked eye. However, it will definitely affect the performance of the blade and also cause risk to your job.

There are various types of band saws in the market outlet, like the deep cut band saw, portable band saw, compact band saw. Tire change is almost the same for all types of band saws.

The best time to think about changing or replacing the bandsaw tire is when you observe that the blade is moving unevenly. This is a primary indication that you need to investigate the tire. Plus, if the bandsaw wheel is making a bit of noise while moving, this can also be a sign that you need to check it out.

If you can find some cracks or wear and tears on the band, it’s time you need to remove it asap without any further delay. As for a loose tire, you can wait a bit if you want, but replacing it right away should be the safest decision you can take.  

Removing the Worn Tires from Your Saw

Before replacing the tire, you have first to remove the existing worn-out tire from the wheel. There are two ways you can do this. You can keep the wheel on the bandsaw while you remove it, or you can separate the wheel from the band saw and then remove the tire from it.

It depends on your convenience. You can choose either way, and it doesn’t really matter what way you are working.

How to Install Band Saw Tires?

Installing a new band saw tire is quite easy. All it takes is some technical know-how of how a band saw actually works. Once you know how a band saw tire causes the blade to move around, it gets really easy for you to change the tire.

However, before you get to know the method to install a band saw tire, you must understand that there are two different types of tire you can use. You can use a rubber band, or a urethane tire for the wheel on the bandsaw.

These two tires come with two different versions of the application, and you can find both distinctively different. Depending on your budget and requirement, you can choose either of the two.  There is one more different tires have that calls Refurbished Tires. We will discuss a bit elaborate a bit later.

2 Pack Urethane Band Saw Tires - FIts 14 inch x 1 inch x .095 - No Adhesive Needed - Compatible with Branded Bandsaws Including Jet Grizzly, & Powermatic

Wheel and tire prep requirements

Before you are going to attempt a tire replacement, you need to prepare the wheel and tire. So, here are some of the preparatory works you need to carry on before you change the tire.

Remove the blade

The first thing you need to do is get rid of the blade itself. In order to do that, you need to unplug the band saw first. This will make sure that there’s no electricity supply to the machine so that it doesn’t start to work all of a sudden.

Now that you have unplugged the device, you need to open the band saw's top and bottom cabinet. This will reveal the two wheels inside. Clean the wheels with a clear to keep dust away.

Band Saw blades

Unscrew the tension knobs from the wheels to dislocate the wheels from the band saw. Remember, this is the way when you don’t keep the wheel attached to the band saw.

Now raise the blade guard higher and keep it fixed. Remove the rear guard and do the same for the under-table guards, as well.

This will let you access the blade. Grab the top of the blade and pull it out from the tire.

Remove The Old Tires

Now, if the tire is glued to the wheel rim, you need to use a razor to clip and trim the glue off. It will make it easier for you to remove the tire.

Then, it would help if you used a flathead screwdriver to poke the tire out of it. This will work great if you are removing rubber tires. For urethane tires, you should be using wooden flathead sticks.

Clean The Wheels

Now, you need to clean the wheels for any debris or dust over them. Use brush and vacuum flow to clean them.

How to Install Rubber Band Tire on Saw?

Now, if you are using another rubber band tire on the bandsaw, these are the steps you need to go through.

Tools required: You’ll need to have the supporting tools before you dive in:

  • A pair of C-clamps
  • Flat-head screwdriver
  • Rubber adhesives
  • ¾ inch diameter pipe
  • Large dish of warm soapy water

Steps to install the tire

  • Step 01: First, place one part of the on the wheel rim and clamp it with a c-clamp
  • Step 02: Stretch the tire towards the other side of the rim and use another c-clamp on it
  • Step 03: Now, pull and place the rest of the tire on the rim
  • Step 04: Use the flat-head screwdriver to pry the tire and place a pipe beneath it.
  • Step 05: Then roll the pipe along with the diameter of the wheel to reduce tension
  • Step 06: Apply adhesives underneath as needed.

How to Install Urethane Tire?  

In the case you are using a urethane tire, you need to follow a bit of a different route.

Tools required: You will need the supporting tools.

  • C-Clamp or 2-3 spring clamps
  • Large dish of warm soapy water
  • Two large screwdrivers

Steps to install the tire:

  1. Soak the urethane tire into soapy hot water to let it expand a bit
  2. Place a part of it on the wheel rim and clamp it.
  3. Do the same by stretching it towards the other side
  4. Stretch the entire tire along the diameter of the wheel rim with the help of a flat-head screwdriver.

Selecting Rubber vs. Urethane Tires

Choosing between rubber and urethane tires can be a bit tricky. If you are using a rubber tire, it will be following the default system. However, urethane tires come with some additional benefits over rubber tires. These tires offer

  • Lower noise
  • Better friction
  • Better longevity
  • Smoother performance

However, the price is also higher than the rubber tire, so you have to decide by satisfying your budget.

Band saw tire comparison chart

Type    Adhesive Needed?    Cost for 20 Inch Tire    Comments
Rubber    Scotch-Weld ($30.64)    $42.04    Can dry rot in dry climates.
Urethane    None    $45.75    Doesn't dry rot. Has increased abrasion resistance.

Tips for Installing a Tire on Your Bandsaw

To make sure you are not messing it up, you need to keep the following things in mind.

  1. Unplug the device first
  2. Wear safety gloves to touch the blade
  3. Soak the urethane tire in hot water for expansion
  4. Clean the wheels before putting the new tire
  5. Don’t use excessive adhesives

Final Words

Now that you know how to install band saw tires, it shouldn’t be a difficult task for you next time. It’s actually “pretty easier done than said”, in this case.

If you are following the proper methods and cautions that we have mentioned here, it shouldn’t be a challenging task in any way. Just make sure you have a bit of an idea of how a band saw machine works, and you are ready to roll!

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